Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Keep waiting for us Hawaii...

It's official, we met with Vaka's advisor this morning and there is no way he can finish his degree in less than 3 years. So, sad but true, we are stuck for 3 more long years in "beautiful" Utah. In case you can't tell, I'm not thrilled. :) The problem is, all he basically has left to finish are his major classes, and they all have to be taken in a certain order, and the U is dumb and doesn't offer ANY of them summer semester, so there really is no way for him to complete them any sooner than what we mapped out today. Good news is, at least he won't have to go full-time all 6 remaining semesters, and he'll still be finishing the lengthy engineering major in less time than most students do. It just seems SO FAR AWAY. On a positive note, grandma will be happy to know her new grandson won't be moving an ocean away from her anytime soon!!


The Margin Wight said...

Not that it's any of my business, passing through bloggerland, but couldn't he take some of the classes on-line? Or during the summers at another university? As I recall, there is another one just to the south of you, there in terrible old Utah or, as I like to call it, the Motherland. Good luck anyway.

Jessica said...

Okay, blog surfing just became creepy..hahah, if you know what I mean. Anyway, you will be fine, just hang in there, sista. And I am sure that not only will "Grandma" be happy her grandson isn't going anywhere yet, I am sure she will enjoy having "daughter" around for awhile too :-)

The Margin Wight said...

If you find it "creepy" (and I agree, it is, a little) for perfect strangers to comment on your life, perhaps you should make your blog private, to be read by a select few. I apologize if I have offended in any way.