Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A nice, long weekend...

One of the great things about living in this blessed state of Utah is the official state holiday which falls on July 24th... Pioneer Day. Luckily for me, this year we convinced the partners to not only give us the 24th as a paid holiday, but the 25th as well. After all, who wants to come back to work on a Friday after just having had a holiday?? So, needless to say, I fully enjoyed a nice long FOUR DAY WEEKEND.

My brother Brandon and nephew J.T. just so happened to come to visit at the same time so for once I could actually have fun with the family rather then be the only one stuck at work while everyone else played!! And play we did.

We swam...

and golfed...

and cooled off getting drinks at Sonic during "happy hour" more times than I can remember...

The only disadvantage?? Coming back to work on Monday was ROUGH.


Kristi Neeleman said...

Thank you for posting pics of the family! I feel like I haven't seen my brother for eons. I hate it. I miss having siblings.
TJ looks JUST like Brandon who looks JUST like Cory who looks JUST like Keith. What a strong gene that is, I must say!

Sarah said...

I LOVE sonic happy hours! And I can't believe how big JT is!