Thursday, October 23, 2008

One Month Old!

I can't believe my little boy has already been with us for a month now. I think the horrendous last few weeks of pregnancy make the first few weeks of motherhood go by in fast forward. Other times, it seems like we have always had him and can hardly remember what life was like without him here. He is growing so fast, and it makes me sad! Everyone that sees him comments on how "advanced" he is. He can already hold his head up, sit up for a few seconds on his own, and he has amazing strength in his arms and legs, loving to stand and just look around.

I went back to work yesterday, only for 4 hours, but it was the longest I've been away from him since he was born. Thank goodness I only have to go back part-time, but it was still hard! It's comforting to know he is with my mom, and we all know she is much more capable of caring for him than I, but I still wanted to be with him myself to make sure my sweet baby was safe. I know it will be good for both of us, and who knows, maybe Vaka and I will actually venture out on a date in the near future!

In other news... gas is under $3.00 a gallon. WAHOO!! Really awesome for us since we both commute... (yes, this was the only other exciting news I could think of that is not related to Jacob. What can I say, he is our life these days, and that's not a bad thing!)


Nia said...

A month old! How crazy is that?! I can hardly believe it. I need to get over to see him!!!